Saturday, December 30, 2006

Meeting 12-30-06

Today felt productive. I think. Present members were:

We decided that we need a plan. It was sort of my idea, and Coach Mymom explained "how it works in the business world." We all decided that a plan would be helpful. So we made a list of things to do. I don't think it's complete, and of course, things will change, but at least it's a list. Now we have small tasks that one or two people can work on by themselves. I was going to scan that list and post it here, but I'm lazy. Basically, here's what we decided:

I'm going to look for LEDs for the keyboard and a western shirt for Joel.
Joel is going to find a costume for himself.
Brian and Anthony are going to work on Ted.
Ted is our secret name for the fantasticmobile vehicle.
Ted will have a pipe encasing the axle so as to protect the foam.
Ted's gears will be made out of stiff, but squishy foam.
Joel and Kris will be dressed like cowboys, with huge belt buckles.
Kab is going to be dressed in bunny pajamas, in memory of his pet bunny.
Kris really, really likes guns. We have to remind him that we can't use weapons.
The theme is going to be Bandera.
The castle is going to look like this:

That's all I can think of. Add comments if I missed something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you didnt put nething about the fantastic fourd.

12/30/2006 1:23 PM  

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